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Young Chef Competition 2025


Christmas 2024

Crocus Planting at Mareham Pastures to mark World End Polio Day


Gin and Nibbles Evening

Mission Impossible

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Mission Impossible -Walking for the Air Ambulance

During September the club walked the equivalent of Lands' End to John O'Groats, not just once but three times and raised a staggering amount, which will be presented to the Chiarman of the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance at the Gin & Nibbles evening. 

New member Kathy
Minor Sports
Coffee and Cake Day
Charter Lunch with Sleaford Kesteven Inner Wheel
Sleaford Rotary helping Shock Sleaford at Oktoberfest
Cranwell Military Wives Choir at Glenholme Care Home

The Rotary Club sponsored this event, enjoyed by the residents.

Club visit to Kirkby Green railway
Monthly visits to the Chesnuts at Ruskington
Members volunteering at
Hykeham Sailability
- sailing for the disabled

KIDS DAY OUT at Twinlakes, enjoyed by families from Rainbow Stars in Sleaford.


Rotarian Shereen and husband, Ajumal, visit to the Avarind Opthalmic Centre. Funded with the aid of a global grant with supported from the Rotary Club of Madras East and Sleaford.


Presenting specialist jigsaws and books to Glenholme Care Home


Children of Courage Awards 2024

Well done to the worthy and ,inspirational award winners

Shereen's visit to the Arvind Eye hospital, supported by the Rotary Club of Sleaford. The open space of 6000 square ft ready to put up the training centre. The next two months the infrastructure will be 


Litterpicking at Greylees
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Floats for Swimability

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Young Chef Competition 2024

Tree planting at Mareham Pastures

More Litter Picking 

along the River Slea, after the Riverlight Festival

Crocus Planting

Planting crocuses on Gregson Green to support world End Polio Now day.  Assisted by children from the William Alvey School.

Litterpick after Oktoberfest

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Mammogram Machine for India

Rotarian Shereen paid a visit to the St.Ivan Stedeford Hospital in India, where a mammogram machine had recently been inaugurated. The project, supported by the Rotary Club of Madras, had received a Global Foundation Grant from the Rotary Club of Sleaford.  

Kids Day Out at Twinlakes

The Litterpicking Team out and about again. Six bags collected between Holdingham roundabout and Leasingham.  


The President's main charity for the year, this scheme provides warm winter coats to children whose parents may no be able to provide them.  We supply the vouchers, the schools identify the children. 

President Ann is seen here with the Headteacher from Winchelsea School at Ruskington.

Supporting Families from the Ukraine

We received a Disaster Response Grant from Rotary District 1070 to support families from Ukraine that have re-settled in the Sleaford area. A number of families had to re-settle to new accommodation from their original hosts when the Government’s re-settlement scheme came to an end. There have also been new families arriving from Ukraine in the Sleaford area who needed support.

Some families had moved into new rented accommodation and didn’t have basic furniture and equipment, such as beds, microwaves, kettles and fridges. There are also other families with disabled children that need specialist equipment. The Rotary Fund has, so far, provided financial support to 5 families in the Sleaford area and there is still money available to support more families.

Anna & Volodymyr had to move from their original hosts and found a place to rent in Sleaford. They are so grateful to Sleaford Rotary who helped them buy a bed to sleep in.

If you are aware of a family from Ukraine who has re-settled to the Sleaford area and needs financial support, please contact the Rotary Club of Sleaford

More Tree Planting

Tree planting at Mareham Pastures

The Rotary Club helps children in Kenya achieve a great education

The Rotary Club of Sleaford has recently awarded a grant of £4,000 to the Bombolulu Secondary School and Training Foundation which operates in a very poor suburb of Mombasa, Kenya. Half the money was raised by the Rotary Club and the other half came from The Rotary Foundation. The UK charity is called Empowering Kids in Kenya – and does exactly what it says on the tin!

The Bombolulu Secondary School opens its doors as a secondary school in January 2023, having previously been a primary school called Little Faces. This school provides essential education for children from the age of 12 to 15. Secondary schooling is a privilege for the wealthier families as it is expensive, but the ethos of this school is to provide an education to those children who would not be able to afford to continue their education after the age of just 12 years old. Without this school, most of these children would be out of school and out of work, perpetuating the cycle of poverty that their parents cannot escape.

The recent grant from the Sleaford Club enabled the school to be completely re-painted and provided new water tanks & water pumps, desks & chairs for the teachers in addition to books, stationery and laptops. The kitchen was transformed from a basic shell to a fully operational, tiled and professional kitchen.

The school now needs to raise another £50,000 in order to prepare for a change in the education system in Kenya by building another floor to cater for the new lower secondary school. 


A huge thank you to Sleaford & Kesteven High School for a wonderful Young Chef Final.

Congratulations to all who entered. Such a high standard! Two finalists will be taken through to the Regional Finals.

Thank you to Mrs Pankhurst and Ollie(chef who came to judge) 

Spread a Little Happiness Boxes

Alan and Jane picked up boxes from The William Alvey Church of England School and Rainbow Stars charity and delivered them to the collection point, before they head off the Ukraine.

A fabulous joint effort Sleaford Kesteven Rotary Club .

Thank you all involved .


Rotarians Cath and Peter gave out the prizes at this event, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sleaford,  which takes place between the three secondary schools in Sleaford.  The winning team (pictured) are from Kesteven and Sleaford High School. 

Rotary Stars

Presentation of Rotary Star and a voucher to Emma Hall, from Sleaford's Rainbow Stars, from Pres Kevin Hale from Grantham Sunrise. The picture also shows Sleaford President Cath Hamblin and Rotarian Jane Peck.

Rotary Disability Games 2022

Rotarians Jane and Norry took a team from Sleaford to take part in the absolutely fabulous Disability games, mainly from the Rainbow Stars Group. They did exceptionally well. Semi finals in all,two junior winners in Curling and Archery .

Great sportsmanship. 

Roll on next year.

Photographs from the Young Photographer Competition 

 Callum and Isla were both runners up in their age group in the District final and they both received a £25 voucher. President Elect Ann presented them with their certificates at school. 

Beautiful photography, Congratulations to them both. 

Calvert Trust Visit

A fun ,adventure packed week for a young adult in the Sleaford community .

Steph had the time of her life .

Calvert Trust gives the opportunity for anyone with a disability to engage in activities they'd other wise not get to experience.

The photos show friendship, inclusion, socialising and fun.

Collection for Ukraine Refugees

Due to the magnificent generosity of the residents and companies of Sleaford and the surrounding villages, over £24,000 has been raised and donated to the Ukrainian Appeal via the District 1070 Global Grant Account. This is not the final figure and since the image was taken at least another £1,000 has been added.

In a combined effort, the two local Rotary Clubs (Sleaford and Sleaford Kesteven) canvassed companies, stood outside supermarkets and had buckets at local golf courses over a four week period – and the co-operation certainly bore fruit!

The picture shows President Cath of the Sleaford Club and President Tony of Sleaford Kesteven with members of both Clubs at the recent Rotary Beer Festival in Sleaford.

Working with the Rotary Club of Sleaford Kesteven to collect for Marie 

Curie Nurses, the Support Ukriane Appeal and Plastic Free Sleaford.

Donation to Sleaford Community Larder

On behalf of the Rotary Club, President Cath is shown handing over a cheque for £500 for the Sleaford Community Larder.

Rotary Young Chef 2021

The final was held in November at Sleaford Kesteven High School.

There were six contestants and the standard was incredibly high. 

Winners were Alice Davey and Lucy Cairns, pictured with President Cath Hamblin.  They will go through to the Rotary District Finals on the 5th February 2022. 

Plaque at Mareham Pastures

February 2021

This  socially distanced shot, showing President Barbara Roberts centre with Cath Hamblin and Peter Kite left and right, was taken when a plaque was put in place to mark the crocus planting done by club members as a reminder of Rotary's pledge to the End Polio Now! campaign. 

Planting crocuses at Mareham Pastures for End Polio Now!

Members from our Rotary and Woodhall Rotary Clubs together with partners and a group from Rainbow Stars met at Mareham Pastures to plant the crocuses, as a reminder of Rotary's pledge for a polio free world made in 1985, when there were over 125 polio endemic countries and hundreds of new cases every day.

When a child receives their life saving polio drops on mass immunisation days their little finger is painted with purple dye so that it is clear they have received their polio vaccine.

Thanks to Rotary and the support of their partners in the Global Eradication Initiative, there are now just two countries classed as endemic : Pakistan and Afghanistan. 

Handover 2020

Handover with a difference!  A 'socially distanced' handover took place between outgoing President Peter Kite and incoming President Barbara Roberts. The handover was filmed and shown to members at an online meeting the next week.  

Sleaford Dementia Activity Library

A new project has been launched by the Rotary Club of Sleaford. The Sleaford Dementia Activity Library is a resource of specialist jigsaws and reminiscence aids that may be borrowed and also includes some everyday items available to purchase. The Club were welcomed by Sleaford Dementia Support to their fortnightly meeting. A small fee is charged every time an item is borrowed which will enable new purchases to be made. Chaos Discount at Ruskington have kindly donated storage boxes. Pictured are members of the Rotary Club with President Peter Kite and SDS Trustee, Paul Sharpe.

Get Moving to End Polio with the 1,240 Challenge.

It was open house as Barbara Roberts, President Elect of the Rotary Club of Sleaford, hosted a Coffee and Cake morning to raise funds in support of Rotary's new campaign 'Get moving to end Polio with the 1240 challenge', (symbolically using the length of the border in miles between the last two polio endemic countries of Pakistan and Afghanistan). The extremely well supported event proved so popular with added income coming from tombola, the raffle, as well as the sales of cakes and jam.

The District Governor Rodney Spokes together with his wife travelled from Leicester to support the occasion which raised the target figure of £1240.

The photograph shows the District Governor Rodney Spokes and his wife in the centre with the President of the Sleaford Club Peter Kite on the left and Barbara Roberts on the right.

Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance Trustee, Graham Secker, was recently presented with a cheque for £2000.

Graham made a presentation to the Club, outlining future plans for the Air Ambulance.

Donation to the 1st Ruskington Scout Group

The 1st Ruskington Scout Group is a popular and well-recruited group with Beaver and Cub sections in addition to the Scouts and Explorer Scouts. The increasing number in the Group has resulted in inadequate storage for the additional amount of equipment needed. As the Group receives no financial assistance it is aiming to raise sufficient funds, by donations and self-organised fund raising events to buy an ‘Expandastore’ facility which will be built on a DIY basis and situated on the existing site.

Approached by the Scout Group, the Rotary Club of Sleaford responded by donating £500 towards the cost. President Susan Waring and other members of the Rotary Club recently visited the scout hall at one of their weekly meetings to present the cheque to the Group Scout Leader, Pete Lee. 

Calvert Trust 2019

"The Rotary Club of Sleaford recently supported another local disabled candidate for a week's enjoyment of outdoor activities at the Calvert Trust Centre in the Lake District. Joel James joined 26 other candidates from the East Midlands at Leicester on Saturday 27th April for the coach trip to the Centre at Bassenthwaite Lake.

The next week was spent there doing activities such as rock climbing. with a ropes course and zip wire, cycling on modified bikes and trikes, horse riding, canoeing and sailing, orienteering and walking in Lakeland. Joel successfully coped with all the challenges both in and out of his wheelchair and he made many new friends during the week together.

Two Rotarians from the Sleaford Rotary Club helped during the week, one looking after 3 young ladies in one of the teams. the other producing photographs of the events so that each candidate returned home with an album showing their various successes as they overcame the challenges presented to them.

Spring Gin Fest 2019

Young Chef Competition 2018/19

If this was a sign of things to come for Sleaford's culinary prospects, then here was the assurance that the future was bright as six would be chefs from the three secondary schools battled it out for a place in the Rotary District Final to be held in Peterborough.

Each competitor was given just £15 to spend on producing a two course meal for two people in a time of 2 hours including a preparation time of 30 mins. A mouth watering array of food was produced and presented on individual tables with menus to match giving the judges a most difficult task in deciding a winner. Marking included, presentation, taste, the use of healthy ingredients and other elements of culinary practice. The two successful cooks were Scarlett Enright and Alice Constantine both students at the Kesteven and Sleaford High School. Susan Waring, President, praised the high standard achieved by all the entrants and commented on how much she had enjoyed sampling the various dishes. She expressed thanks to Kesteven and Sleaford High School for hosting the event in their 'state of the art' redesigned and refurbished home economics department.

Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance

The Rotary Club were mentioned in the Autumn /Winter newsletter. 2018-19 President John Elkington is pictured handing over a cheque, making donations of over £80,000. Thank you to everyone who has supported the Club raising this fantastic total.

Calvert Trust 2018

Every year Sleaford Rotary take a candidate to Calvert Trust, and this year's candidate was Sheena, who as you can see thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity, in fact her own words she had 'The best time of my life'.  

Trip to Twinlakes

A 'Kids Days Out' was enjoyed in glorious sunshine by Rainbow Stars at Twinlakes near Melton Mowbray. Funded jointly by the Rotary Clubs of Sleaford and Sleaford Kesteven.

Handover 2018

Following a meal attended by most members and partners, outgoing president John Elkington handed over The Chain of Office to the incoming President Susan Waring. Donations were made to St John Ambulance and Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance as well as the British Heart Foundation and LIVES. 

Rotary Gin Fest 

Organised by rotarians, this was Sleaford's first Gin Festival held at Sleaford Cricket Club. The event was well supported with many different gins for sale. 

Young Chef Competition 2018

President John Elkington with the entrants for the Young Chef competition from local secondary schools.  

Their task was to prepare ,cook and serve a two course meal plus dessert for two people at a cost not exceeding £10, all within a time of two hours. Three judges led by Chef Chris Spencer from The Queen's Head, Kirkby La Thorpe awarded points for cooking skills, presentation and taste together with other requirements. The marks were so close it was decided to award the title to two successful 'cooks' , who went forward to the District Final. The winners will also receive the opportunity to have some private tuition prior to the final, kindly provided by the chief judge Chris Spencer .

Tommy at the Calvert Trust

The Calvert Trust has over forty years of experience in delivering challenging outdoor adventure holidays for people with disabilities. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sleaford, Tommy is pictured at the centre in Kielder.  

Children of Courage Awards 2017

Rotary Young Chef 2017

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sleaford, the annual search for the 'National Rotary Young Chef of The Year' was held at the KSHS Academy.

Six cookery students from three of the local secondary schools were given 90 minutes to plan, prepare and cook a healthy meal for two within a tight budget of no more than £10.

The marking was over nine categories including healthy choices, planning, hygiene and cookery skills with taste and final table presentation.

All the judges were impressed by the high standard shown by the competitors in producing such 'mouth watering dishes' and unanimously agreed 15 year old Rebecca Parr from St. George's Academy Ruskington, to be the winner for her tasty and colourful dish of ' spinach stuffed chicken with potato gratin' followed by a delightful ' pavlova decorated with fruit'

Rebecca will now go forward to represent Sleaford in the District finals in Peterborough.

Crocus Planting to highlight the Campaign for Polio Eradication

To mark the Centenary of Rotary Foundation and to continue to raise awareness of Polio Eradication (one of the main initiatives supported by Rotary Foundation), The Rotary Club of Sleaford, together with pupils from the Alvey School and members of Sleaford in Bloom planted over 8000 crocus bulbs on Gregson Green and alongside the footpath leading into Sleaford. The Rotary Club appreciated the help given.


Twelve year old local schoolboy, Thomas Talbot, is seen here with President Alan Thomas, being presented with a complete set of competition wheels donated by the Rotary Club of Sleaford. Suffering from Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy, Thomas uses a Racerunner, specifically designed for people with impaired balance to propel themselves around a stadium race track.

Thomas has recently represented England in the CPISRA European Racerunning Championships, held in Denmark, where he achieved gold in the 100,200,400 and 800 metres track events. He competed against 86 competitors from 22 nations.

Well done Thomas!!

A Day's Ploughing

At a recent Centenary Harvest Supper and Auction for Foundation, one of the auction lots was a day's ploughing on with a Veteran Tractor and a Vintage Tractor. The photo shows the successful bidders waiting to enjoy their day on the farm. A ploughman's lunch was also supplied. 

Swimathon 2016

Eighty six swimmers swam a total of over 7000 lengths (110 miles ) or from Sleaford - Manchester in the 2016 Rotary Swimathon.

The Schools Challenge was won by Carre's Grammar School in the Secondary Schools section, second were Kesteven and Sleaford High School. In the Junior Schools section, the Alvey School were worthy winners over the Winchelsea School and Leasingham.


Ann Waldeck enjoying a moment of humour with Alan Thomas, President of the Rotary Club of Sleaford, following her induction into the worldwide organisation of Rotary at a recent meeting of the Sleaford lunchtime club.



Motorcycle Ambulances for Uganda Money was donated towards this project in Uganda. The Rotary Club of Sleaford have provided three motorcycle ambulances to transport patients to hospital. Without the ambulances it can take hours to walk to the nearest hospital, by which time it is often too late.

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